Monday, February 23, 2009

one week

One week has passed since Caleb's birth. It has been one long, but short, humbling, surreal, emotional week. You know when our parents tell us, "Just wait 'til you have a kid..." I am getting a taste of what they mean. Caleb has already been teaching me to be humble and to rely solely on God. To give everything up to Him...because I can't do much by my own strength and knowledge. I am grateful for each new day...for the grace that God gives us and the love and support He has shown us through our family and friends.

Anyway...more pictures of Caleb... :)

Just kidding! These are actually pictures of David - uncanny resemblance, no?

Here's Caleb...

Sorry you have to tilt your head to watch this video!


  1. okay, so caleb really really looks like david. i'm hoping you'll have a little girl next who looks more like you! :) :)

    i'm planning on visiting LA in april... can't wait to meet him!

    love, seo

  2. Jean...they're getting so big so fast, aren't they?? And it's only been 2 weeks. It's really not fair. What a vivacious cutie, Caleb is!
